Next Meeting June 15, at 1:00 PM
at Pied Piper Pizza, 12300 Northeast
Fourth Plain Road East, Vancouver WA
Here's What Happened at the Meeting on Monday, April 20, 2015
Meeting was opened by President in Due form.
S. Cordes, G. Howell, N. Scruggs, R. McCartney, C. Gerlack, D. McIver, J. Blau, K. Dunn, M. Bahr, R. Huelle, T. Beckwith, D. Farland, D. Mosley, J. Norvell, C. Harrison, D. Files, J.Hassler, J. Lowery, D. Michell, K. Howard, J. McHenry, J. Nibler, L. Coughlin, B. Pellens, J. Pientka, H. Allington, T. Jacobs, C. Howard
Brother S. CordesCurrent membership is 176. 134 Engineers and 42 Trainmen.
Presentation of the bills made by Secretary and discussion of current status of finances/ taxes to members. Monthly audit report brought to the membership and Board of Trustees for review.
Motion to pay the bills brought by Brother D. McIver and seconded by Brother L. Coughlin. Motion passed.
One new members was presented for initiation into Division 758. Brother Dan Kent. Motion to accept new member brought by Brother R. McCartney and seconded by Brother T. Beckwith.
Brother T. JacobsAuxiliary meeting tonight at Main Event East at 1730 hours.
Brother J. LoweryStarted road observations.
Next month we will have a one day information class or a 2 day observer class. Next one will start May 13
th, they pay make whole claims.Observations are 99.4% safe for the last month. Next month will be putting out general notice to pick a new committee for BRAVE.
Brother R. McCartneyWe have 9 HFRI’s. It’s been 4 days since the last one. Injury free is 96 days in the yard and 81 days on the road.
Two weeks remaining for EST training. Sign up in trainmaster’s office.
Crew change point for 8
th Street has changed. Now approximately 200 feet east of former location. Be sure the gate gets closed at Appletree.Division Safety meeting will be April 21
st.Oil trains and all trains in general are under close scrutiny.
Please watch yourself.
Make sure you know if you are required to ask for a “reverse in the plant”.
Paper Deadhead issues still in arbitration for BLET.
HUTA areas now have signs in various locations. More to be added.
The new time table that has come out has many errors.
Brother K. HowardFour man crew legislation still pending.
Washington Legislative chairman will be at our next meeting to answer member questions.
: Brother H. AllingtonTrain starts – grain shipments are down.
EGT, PEAVY and harvest states will only be getting about one train per day.
Oil down from 3 per day to .5 per day.
Switch jobs 131 and R8 are getting cut account the down turn of business.
Brother R. Huelle and Brother C. Marsh have been keeping track of the K train calls.
Military members please give your annual schedule to Sandy Adams if possible.
More vacation bids will be coming up.
Brother R. HuellePlease note for Form B’s the foreman has to remove the red flag before the expiration of said Form B.
Motion to close meeting by Brother D. McIver and seconded by Brother K. Dunn. Motion passed.
Meeting adjourned at 1422 hrs.
Here's What Happened at the Meeting on Monday, March 16, 2015
Meeting was opened by President in Due form.
MEMBERS IN ATTENDANCE: S. Cordes, E. Taylor, R. Tiffany, D. McIver, M. Miller, K. Black, E. Gruber, W. Hall, H. Alington, M. Bahr, R. Huelle, R. Bodenhamer, T. Jacobs, G. Howell, R. McCartney, M. Fischer, B. Black, S. Clark, J. Hassler, A. Kujava, S. Keeler, B. Campbell
SPECIAL GUESTS: Brother Skip Barnes
Current membership is 175. 134 Engineers and 41 Trainmen.
Presentation of the bills made by Secretary and discussion of current status of finances/ taxes to members. Monthly audit report brought to the membership and Board of Trustees for review.
Motion to pay the bills brought by Brother D. McIver and seconded by Brother M. Bahr. Motion passed.
Two new members were presented for initiation into Division 758. Brother N. McLachlan and Brother J. Pientka. Motion to accept new members brought by Brother R. McCartney and seconded by Brother R. Jacobs.
Legal Representative Paul Bovarnick gave a presentation at last month’s auxiliary meeting and donated $250 to the auxiliary. Paul recommended every member should obtain a $1,000,000 minimum Umbrella policy and increase PIP (Personal Injury Protection) on members Auto policies. The maximum amount of PIP in Washington State is $35,000.
Auxiliary bowling tournament and 50/50 raffle to be held March 31st. See Karla for details.
Auxiliary meeting tonight at Main Event East at 1730 hours.
CAB COMMITTEE: Brother R. Tiffany
Recently had a member get injured on a locomotive seat. Please report any seats not in working order.
If you are called for a Roosevelt train, please make sure the second unit is a qualified lead locomotive.
There are 1 day informational classes for BRAVE available.
There have been 8 HFRI’s already this year.
Any comments or questions, please put note in BRAVE at work.
SAFETY COMMITTEE: Brother R. McCartney
Local management is not happy with the amount of switch/derail incidents in Vancouver. 60% of these incidents were light powered moves. Slow down, leave yourself a way out.
EST canceled some classes account manpower this month. EST is currently running 3 days per week.
Form B limits on the Fall Bridge/Seattle subdivisions are changing almost daily. Make sure you check the comment section in the Form B.
LOCAL CHAIRMAN: Brother H. Allington
Met with labor relations regarding many issues. No word on any details.
Called and not used in pool service. Make sure you get a time slip. When called for pool service, the turn is to be worked or deadheaded per agreement. Make sure you get a train symbol on your tie up screen.
More vacation bids are out.
OPS testing is up on the division. Please be aware.
BLET has a new locker in Vancouver Yard. Locker number is 71. Please put any mail in the box.
OLD BUSINESS: Brother R. Huelle
Looking at options for displaying Local 758 charter.
NEW BUSINESS: Brother R. Huelle
Discussed how we want to vote on K Trains, paper ballot, email ballot etc.
Motion to close meeting by Brother W. Hall and seconded by Brother J. Howell. Motion passed. Meeting adjourned at 1415 hrs.
Here's What Happened at the Meeting
on Monday, February 16, 2015
Meeting was opened by President in Due form.
MEMBERS IN ATTENDANCE: S. Cordes, M. Taylor, E. Young, R. Bodenhammer, M. Klouda, T. beckwith, C. Gerlack, D. McIver, S. Haase, S. Papenfuse, J. Edwards, C. Shirts, M. Campbell, M. Bahr, D. Keder, B. Pellens, R. McCartney, J. Lowery, K. Black, E. Lingo, R. Huelle, E. Castellano, K. Fox, R.T. Jacobs, J. Skaurud, H. Allington, R.D. Swayze
SPECIAL GUESTS: Brother Skip Barnes and Attorney Paul Bovarnick
Paul gave a brief summary on FMLA. Carriers have been requesting information from employee’s doctors. FLMA is for up to 12 weeks per year and day of the week do not matter. ADA limits what company can obtain for medical records. Company cannot retaliate against employee for Whistleblower Act. Employee has 180 days to file Whistleblower charge to OSHA. Members requesting FMLA should use federal form only. Can obtain form on Dept. of Labor site.
Current membership is 174. 134 Engineers and 40 Trainmen.
Presentation of the bills made by Secretary and discussion of current status of finances/ taxes to members. Monthly audit report brought to the membership and Board of Trustees for review.
Motion to pay the bills brought by Brother K. Howard and seconded by Brother M. Taylor. Motion passed.
LEGISTATIVE: Brother K. Howard
Brother K. Howard will draft a letter to Chairman of Washington State Legislative Board, Brother S. Allen. This will allow him to be able to attend a meeting.
State bills regarding Crew Shuttles, Yardmaster Hours of Service and Minimum Crew Size is still pending.
BRAVE COMMITTEE: Brother J. Lowery
120 members have completed the Observer Class.
There are 10 spots per class and accepting enrollment starting April 8th.
Will be starting road observations.
SAFETY COMMITTEE: Brother R. McCartney
EST classes are still ongoing.
Goals for committee is attention to Form B’s, division gangs, etc.
Night classes for EST will be starting the first week of March from 2000 to 0200. Working on subdivision signs for Vancouver/Seattle.
LOCAL CHAIRMAN: Brother H. Allington
If working garbage trains eastbound, please check trailing unit to make sure it is a good working unit.
Met with General Chairman Wilson and carriers regarding K-Trains, Y2 Claims, Road switcher, etc.
Company wants to run our pool on the lower end of the millage regulation. Will follow up on this.
Vacation bids are out. Check emails.
EAP-Peer Support Group met last week and protocol for if and when an event occurs is in the trainmasters office.
OLD BUSINESS: Brother R. Huelle
Will talk to the Historical Society about our charter being displayed at the passenger depot at Vancouver.
Meeting at Brother M. Campbell’s home at 1830. All members and spouses welcome.
Motion to close meeting by Brother D. McIver and seconded
by Brother M. Bahr. Motion passed. Meeting adjourned at 1510 hrs.
Here's What Happened at the Meeting on Monday, January 19, 2015
Meeting was opened by President in Due form.
MEMBERS IN ATTENDANCE: S. Cordes, R.T. Jacobs, K. Howard, H. Allington, M. Bahr, R. Bodenhamer, G. Howel, E. Gruber, A. Kujava, N. Scruggs, J. Edwards, W. Hall, D. McIver, W. Pellens, R. Tiffany, J. Blau, R. McCartney
SPECIAL GUESTS: Brother Skip Barnes
Current membership is 174. 134 Engineers and 40 Trainmen.
Presentation of the bills made by Secretary and discussion of current status of finances/ taxes to members. Monthly audit report brought to the membership and Board of Trustees for review.
Motion to pay the bills brought by Brother K. Howard and seconded by Brother R.T. Jacobs. Motion passed.
HOTEL COMMITTEE: Brother R.T. Jacobs
Will be staying in the first and third wing rooms now. We will not be required to stay on highway side of the Third wing (noise).
Previous smoking rooms will be gone through and cleaned/painted. We are not required to stay in those rooms.
Any other issues with Pasco Red Lion see R.T. Jacobs or M. Cousineau.
If a Foreign Line locomotive is a lead locomotive and does not meet our BNSF standards, ask to switch out or submit a cab condition claim.
LEGISTATIVE: Brother K. Howard
Legislative session bills ongoing. Yard Master hours of service and crew haulers hours of service.
BRAVE COMMITTEE: Brother R. Bodenhammer
Classes still ongoing. Starting to do road observations now. Also looking at rest and line-up issues.
SAFETY COMMITTEE: Brother R. Bodenhammer
EST classes are in full swing through June or longer.
Working to update storybooks.
LOCAL CHAIRMAN: Brother H. Allington
No word on profit sharing.
General Chairman Matt Wilson will be out 2/17/15 for a meeting with the carrier regarding Y2 and KTrain agreements.
Superintendent has said no furlough this year.
Coal and Oil business is up this year.
Grain in down due to the US Dollar going up.
Check to see that vacations match what was sent by local division. Email LC with any questions.
There will be four MOW gangs coming to the Fallbridge between February and May.
Trying to get the lineups to reflect maintenance windows.
OLD BUSINESS: Brother H. Allington
Getting a list together for our members for peer support.
Trying to get a class together through the EAP. Email H. Allington if interested.
NEW BUSINESS: Brother K. Howard
Update mobilization lists.
Request our charter and seal from former officers.
Meeting at Brother Tiffany’s home at 1800.
Motion to close meeting by Brother R.T. Jacobs and seconded by Brother G. Howell. Motion passed. Meeting adjourned at 1405 hrs.
Archived Information can be seen here.
To see the current status of claims, look
Documentation is still needed to process any claim.
The 60 day clock starts when payroll inputs the cut slip.
Remember, the claim cannot be appealed without all the documentation. A copy of
the 816 for that period is mandatory. A copy of the working ticket, delay report
(if there is one), and cut slip is required. A detailed explanation of what the
claim is for is also needed.
Be advised the carrier is still holding investigations for employees who are injured while on duty. Remember: You have the right to representation if you are injured, and are required to fill out an accident report. (F27). DO NOT let the carrier officer fill this form out for you. DO NOT let the carrier use pencil to fill out the F27. DO NOT sign a blank F27, and have the carrier fill it in later. Remember: If you are not sure about something, put down :not sure", or "I don't know".
Remember to notify Ft. Worth Mechanical in the event you encounter any locomotive defects. Also, please remember to either log them on our engine defects form here, or give them to one of your representatives to log.
Remember, you all have the right to EMPOWER yourselves if the carrier wants you to do something you truly believe is unsafe. Do not hesitate to use that empowerment. You can scream "violation of agreement" till it freezes over, but nothing will happen. Mention the buzz words "empowerment, or Unsafe, or I fear for my Safety" and like magic, all of a sudden the carrier will listen to what you are saying. Remember, the carrier officer who is so helpful in assisting your crew is not a part of that crew, and has no business assisting any crew. This would be a violation of collective agreements, and a safety issue, as he has not had a safety briefing with the crew..
Vacations have been issued, and passed out. The weekly allocation is here. The vacations for 2011 are here.
BE CAREFUL OUT THERE! If you are found in violation of the carrier's rules. see what will happen here.