of Locomotive Engineers & Trainmen
Dennis R. Pierce |
General Chairman |
801 CHERRY ST., SUITE 1010 Unit 8 |
ALL LOCAL CHAIRMAN | April 28, 2006 |
BNSF NORTHLINES AND MRL | File: Road Switchers/Vancouver, WA |
Mr. R.L. Luther
General Director, Labor Relations BNSF Railway
P.O. Box 961030
Ft. Worth, TX 76161-0030
Dear Mr. Luther:
This is in reference to UTU General Chairman Fitzgerald's letter dated April 17,
2006 concerning application of our just recently executed Agreement governing
the extension of the Portland/Vancouver Switching Limits. Specifically, Chairman
Fitzgerald complains about the manner in which the Road Switchers described in
our agreement are being utilized within the confines of the extended terminal.
We have reviewed our agreement and compared it to Chairman Fitzgerald's account
and this is to advise that we agree with the position taken by Chairman
Fitzgerald. Would you please advise of the steps being taken to advise local
management of the requirements of the agreement. As you can expect, when
agreements are violated in wholesale fashion before the ink is even dry it
rarely generates the results your office or ours set out to accomplish.
/s/ Dennis R. Pierce
General Chairman
John Fitzgerald, General Chairman, UTU
Gary Virgin, Associate General Chairman, UTU
Rick Etienne, LC 758
The Academy. Suite 217
Telephone: (360) 694-7491
General Chairman
400 East Evergreen Blvd
Fax:: (360) 694-2049
Vancouver, WA 98660
Burlington Northern Santa Fe Railroad, Montana Western Railroad,
Colorado and Southern Railroad and Portland and Puget Sound Railroad
Fax (817) 352-7462
And U.S. Mail
April 17, 2006
R.L. Luther
General Director - Labor Relations
BNSF Railway. Company
P.O. Box 961030
Ft. Worth, TX 76161-0030
Re: Clarification, NP Road Switchers
Dear Mr. Luther:
On duty Vancouver, WA
In regard to the above reference, this inquiry concerns paragraphs 3 and 4 of
Side Letter No. 1 associated with the Extension of General Switching Limits. The
two (2) paragraphs read as follows
"3. In addition to their regular
duties, these road switcher movements in the assigned road territory will
include hours of service relief, shuttling trains to road territory from any
location within the consolidated terminal, shuttling train from road territory
to any location within the consolidated terminal, or yard trains received in
road territory within the consolidated terminal an designated tracks, to include
4. These road switcher assignments will not be required nor allowed to Perform
yard service or yawl transfer service within the consolidated terminal. However,
these road switchers will be allowed to advance solid over the road trains
within the limits of the consolidated terminal for outbound staging purposes
only, to include over-the-road interchange trains."
As shown by attached delay reports
on April I5. 2006, the Road Switcher was utilized to double a train
together, air test and transfer to North Portland Jct.
On April 15, 2006, the Road Switcher received a train at Vancouver Jct,
totally within the old terminal limits, delivered the train to UP Albina
Yard, deliver power to Willbridge Yard and van to Vancouver.
On Aril 16, 2006, the Road
Switcher was used to dog catch train MPASLYD at 8th Street, setout at T-6,
East St. John, W-Yard, Lake Yard and return power to T-6; the same crew then
used to dog catch train MVBCPAS at Vancouver proper and deliver to UP Albina
Yard with power beck to Vancouver.
On April 17, 2006, the Road
Switcher was used to dog catch MPASVAW at FMC (Vancouver proper) and yard
train in B-2 Vancouver, with power to the house at Vancouver.
The above movement in 1) does not comport with either paragraph
3 or 4. The above movement in 2), 3) and 4, all occurred within old switching
limits, let alone outside the new limits.
As such movements in 2), 3) and 4) do not comport with paragraph 3 nr 4.
Request response.
With best wishes, I am
Yours truly,
/s/ JD Fitzgerald
General Chairman
G.K. Virgin
D.R. Pierce
J.L. Shollmeyer