of Locomotive Engineers & Trainmen
Dennis R. Pierce |
General Chairman |
801 CHERRY ST., SUITE 1010 Unit 8 |
ALL LOCAL CHAIRMAN | August 5, 2005 |
BNSF NORTHLINES AND MRL | File: Attendance Guidelines |
M. H. Siegele
2600 Lou Menk Drive
P. O. Box 961030
Fort Worth, TX 76161-0030
Dear Mr. Siegele:
This is in reference to how the Carrier is applying the attendance policy to
engineers working 7/3 rest cycle boards. As you are aware, pursuant to agreement
language, engineers assigned to overlay/rest cycle boards are not in violation
of attendance guidelines so long as they stay marked up on work cycle days. They
are only subject to application of attendance guidelines when the specific
provisions of the same agreement are met. This occurs whenever an engineer lays
off for a second time on non-scheduled rest days and the second layoff occurs
within thirty days of the previous layoff. Once this provision is triggered, an
engineer may become subject to the attendance guidelines, but pursuant to the
agreement language, will be "treated as if in unassigned service" under the
We have reviewed several recent discipline cases and find that the Carrier is
varying from the agreement language on two fronts. The Carrier's software was
not designed to properly measure the "30 day look ahead", instead it is looking
at months not days. As we advised over a year ago, in many cases this
discrepancy extends the look ahead period beyond the 30 days allowed in the
agreement. In addition, when the 30 day look ahead trigger has been applied, the
Carrier is not treating these engineers as if in unassigned service. The
attendance guidelines state that each TY&E employee in unassigned service
fulfills his or her responsibility to maintain full-time status, in general, by
laying off not more than twenty-five percent of weekdays and weekends in any
three month period. The policy is specific in this regard, in fact it is the
Carrier that argues that all employees should be aware of these specifics.
However, in many of the cases that we have reviewed, we find that the Carrier is
not allowing engineers to be unavailable twenty-five percent of weekdays and
weekends in the three month period under review. Instead, the Carrier is
treating these engineers as if they were in mixed service (assigned/unassigned)
during the three month measurement period with some months only allowing for one
"any" day off Our agreement is also specific, these employees are to be measure
as "unassigned" service employees and the Carrier's application is clearly
contrary to the agreement. The fact that this improper measurement artificially
deflates the amount of time off available to these engineers "creates"
violators, even though under proper application of the agreement and the policy
they would not be.
Many months ago we met with a member of your staff and discussed our concerns
with both of these issues yet the Carrier's software has not been corrected nor
were new instructions issued to the field. We have also raised this issue at
investigations, objecting to the arbitrary manner in which the Carrier is
applying the agreement provisions applicable to attendance. Please understand
that the discipline being assessed in these cases is not supported and in our
view will not stand any third party review. While it is unfortunate that our
verbal discussions and complaints have been ignored, this is it to provide
written confirmation of our previous positions and to request that you instead
treat these engineers who truly meet the thirty day look ahead as agreed to by
measuring them as if in unassigned service during the entire three month period.
/s/ Dennis R. Pierce
General Chairman
cc: All BLET Local Chairmen,
BNSF Northlines
BLET General Chairmen, BNSF
General Chairmen, BNSF
Ringstad, Director Labor Relations, BNSF