Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers
Division 758

Richard E. Etienne
Vancouver, WA


 Ms. Marka Hughes
Director Labor Relations
BNSF Railway
PO Box 961030
Ft. Worth TX 76101-0030

December 9, 1999

Ms. Hughes,

Since the implementation of TK2000, your office has been advised that there are multiple problems, and to date, this committee sees no corrections. It was known from the start the system was flawed, but in the rush to beat Y2K, it was rolled out, over the strenuous objections of many members. This committee has had several conversations with your office, and Dennis Mead's office, but the usual answer received is a complete astonishment of any difficulties. Please allow me to elucidate.

Now, let us address the problems that local committee of adjustment members are encountering:

Ms. Hughes, This committee alone has become swamped with claims and complaints. I find I have no time to do anything else but work on the payroll issue. Look at the time consumed when the system rolled out, and the pay miles/overmiles were bad. Do you think this committee worked in "spare time"? Our committee of adjustments is incurring large expenses that have been caused solely by a flawed system forced on the employees. The local should not, and will not be required to shoulder the burden of fixing your department's errors. I estimate the costs to this committee to be over $1500.00, and rising fast. This committee would expect compensation for BLE Local 758 to be provided by your office. Further, acknowledgement of the many flaws, and an honest attempt to fix said flaws is required.


Richard E. Etienne

Local Chairman
Div. 758

CC: MW Geiger Jr.
MD Dealy
RE Stephens
DL Mead