FRA Emergency Order 28. Important!!
Please Read
FRA issues EO 28 relating to leaving trains or cars
unattended. Be sure to fully understand these
Trains/Cars Left at Wishram WA.
If you do any work at Wishram,
please be sure to fully understand these
Certification Requirements for Engineers
Carrier serves notice that engineers not completing
certification requirements will be held from service
until completed.
Rebuts BNSF's Iron Triangle Article IX.
The General Chairman takes the position that the
proposal is outside the purview allowed by an
Article IX under the provisions of Arbitration Award
Dues Notice
The National Division post trainmen dues for BLET.
These are for those with no engineer seniority date.
The dues as of December 2011 will be $22.00 per
DOL Authorized FMLA Medical Provider
These forms are direct from the DOL website, and are
the authorized forms.